i’ll show you mine, would love to see yours…

hey, evergreen bough.

how ya livin over there? i hope the transition from one year to the next has been smooth + alive with just the right energy for you

i’ve been over here healing (the facial droop is mostly gone + i’ve regained some movement in my face!) + tending to my health like it’s my job

although it’s been frankly exhausting at times, it’s also been a wild cauldron for next-level connection to my body + the wisdom it wants to offer

to literally feel new nerves in my face wake up each day, to recognize cravings for foods that actually support other healing that i now know my body needs, to notice when my body wants movement, fresh air, warmth, comfort —

the wisdom’s been there all along, as has the ability to hear it. the difference is that both now are heightened, nuanced, easier to notice, more inviting to act on

and i’m just so grateful to be able to notice + access this through all the challenges + difficulties that also belong to this moment

as we close out the first week of the new year, i’d love to talk intentions

some time in november, my guiding word for 2025 came to me —


to fortify is to strengthen, with an intention of protection

while sometimes it involves specifically adding something that’s been missing, what speaks to me most about this word + what it inspires is that it honors what’s already there

it recognizes your solid foundation + seeks to support it with more of the same good stuff that you’ve already identified, built, accrued + grown

while the outcome is improvement, it’s not rooted in lack or based in an ethos of needing to be better because you’re drowning in all that makes you less than

it’s about actively creating conditions that allow you to continue metamorphosing into your next best embodiment of self

fortification in and of itself is an act of saying NO to the old stories that keep you doing it all on your own, only seeking support when you “NEED” it, waiting for burnout + beyond to prioritize yourself + your neverending evolution

fortification isn’t about bashing yourself for what hasn’t worked + keeping you at the mercy of every next expert who claims they can fix you

it’s about letting this very real, undeniable truth wash over you to nurture + sustain you, that YOU ARE MAGIC IN MOTION

and knowing that the only way you’ll really start acting like it is if you FORTIFY all the most magical parts of you so you can KEEP showing up like that, even as others try to steer you elsewise

i’m so enamoured with the energy of FORTIFY that i’m dreaming up a coaching experience for you around it —

i’m clear on several elements of it but still sorting through some others. if you’d like to help by answering some Qs over the next few weeks, let me know + i’ll add you to my advisory list —

as a thank you i’ll offer you insider pricing on what we come up with!

may you take whatever space you need to heal + grow with all the grace it takes

xxoo, cc

ps: i’ve been doing a version of this list since 2018 of things i want to presence + prioritize in the year ahead. do any of them resonate with you?

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tips for lattes + other joy-bringing treats

listen, if your personal path to claiming joy happens to be paved with treating a gal like me to a latte or some sushi... Read more

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crecia cipriano - thriveandbloom

i help passion-powered small + scaling business owners learn more about the power of intuition-driven decisionmaking in their lives + biz, through my weekly-ish newsletter

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