wanna be a weeble?

hey, sodapop.

listen — i don’t wanna put any stress or strife ON you that’s not yours,

but i DO know that a whole hell of a lot of us are struggling to stay whole, well + grounded lately while ALSO running our businesses like the passion-powered rockstars we are

when i found myself mentioning my weeble analogy in two different conversations yesterday, with women on two different continents, i knew it was time to revisit it

i wrote “be a weeble, not an amoeba: trusting yourself in these uncertain times” during pandemic year one phased reopening

rereading it was such a blast from the past in a pretty surreal way. here are a few excerpts, so you can decide if you’d like to read it too:


what we need now is to find + foster a trust within ourselves, in ourselves — a trust that we can navigate the uncertainty without getting swallowed by it
that we can trust ourselves to take care of ourselves
that we can trust ourselves to hold on, when we don’t exactly know how long we’ll need to hold
that we can trust ourselves to make right decisions, in a time that will be overflowing with decisions to make, as communities + commerce rebuild together
my big soul work is to help people learn the way wisdom speaks to + through them so they can use it to uncover, create, and inhabit their most positively thriving life
it centers around developing practices + habits of self-trust, self-love and self-care that create space for making intuition-driven decisions you can count on
and it can help you go from feeling all over the place to grounded, soundly, right here
it can help you transform your worry, fear + doubt into calm, peaceful faith
it can help you feel strong, confident, and able to hang in for the long haul instead of just barely hanging on by a thread...


as a kid, i loved weebles because it was fun to watch them wobble + also fun to see how they really never did fall down
today i recognize in them the beauty of being centered, grounded, able to roll with a tide + not be overtaken by it
i recognize in them the way my self-care practices bring me that same strong, simple peace
i recognize in them how rarely I stray from my own set point. and when i do, how relatively easily + swiftly i return
it’s a state of simple, quiet grace that is fertile ground for profound joy, growth + peace
as opposed to feeling emotionally pushed, pulled, prodded + poked by anything and everything around me
formless, like an amoeba. constantly changing inconstant state, fundamentally affected by the energies, emotions + expectations of others...

🐣 if any of this resonates with you, i invite you to check out the whole piece here

💌 and please let me know if you’ve ever heard of or played with a weeble!!

cheers, dear

xxoo, cc

ps: while you’re there, stay a minute + peep my newly updated website, brought to life by tiffany neuman + her brilliant team 💡

if you’d like to get next-level clear on how to message your big work in the world, consider joining me at her 3-workshop series next week:


as a partner, i can get you in for just $7!


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tips for lattes + other joy-bringing treats

listen, if your personal path to claiming joy happens to be paved with treating a gal like me to a latte or some sushi... Read more

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crecia cipriano - thriveandbloom

i help passion-powered small + scaling business owners learn more about the power of intuition-driven decisionmaking in their lives + biz, through my weekly-ish newsletter

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