what's your wild, wander + wonder?

hey, peppercorn.

you know, nothing lights me up brighter than when i feel i’m exactly where i want to be

beholden to no one. under nobody’s thumb

unbound + able to follow what whims that call

because that’s where spirit speaks + soul aligns

one of the best things i’ve done in service of living like this is to create intentional, flexible structure that suits me

to thoughtfully make a schedule that holds what needs to happen, with space baked in for magic to move things as it may

it’s not always as possible as i’d like, but by holding it as the goal, it’s way more so than you may imagine

and it allows me to enjoy the wild wander + wonder so much more than i’d otherwise be able to

when you’ve got obligation breathing down your back, it’s not so enjoyable to chase sunsets or get lost in the beauty of a flower’s bloom or spend hours on end writing something new

and this isn’t about requiring perfection or an all-needs-fully-met sort of existence in order to let your wild wander + wonder out to play

it’s about taking the opportunities that arise, making space for more to arrive, and learning how to ditch all-or-nothing for some-more-often

it’s about creating a lifestyle in line with delight + inhabiting the fuck out of it in every way you can, as often as you can

without making yourself wrong for when you can’t

whether yours has you curiously exploring someplace new or delightfully finding the wild in what you know, may you let what amazes you fuel you

in a world that largely seeks to squash your wild, shame your wander + call your wonder childish or irresponsible, it’s all too easy to fall into default thinking the same

when there’s so much to be done, your wild wander + wonder can fall by the wayside if you let it

which is why i’m holding it as a guiding principle this year (and have done so in some way for years)

it’s an ever-evolving practice that thrives on being honored

if you’re looking for continued space in which to navigate what it takes to live by values that contradict the status quo, ask me about FORTIFY, an extended coaching community experience i’ll be sharing soon

and tell me, what’s something that feels like wild wander + wonder to YOU!

really, i wanna know :)

xxoo, cc

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crecia cipriano - thriveandbloom

i help passion-powered small + scaling business owners learn more about the power of intuition-driven decisionmaking in their lives + biz, through my weekly-ish newsletter

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